Concerns Treated:
To treat aging concerns, Chicago Facial's devised a protocol that included cleansing, exfoliation, and the addition of personalized boosters to plump and hydrate the skin. The esthetician performed wet manual microdermabrasion. Then, they added dry retexturizing powder mixed with a custom skin solution and applied two masks for long-lasting hydration. Finally, the esthetician oxygenated the client’s skin to infuse antioxidants.
Concerns Treated:
To combat the client’s concerns, Chicago Facial's began the treatment by cleansing the skin to remove dust, makeup, and pollution. The esthetician applied a ZO 3-step peel solution to break the existing melanin and retinol cream to stimulate collagen in the deepest layer. To minimize irritation and restore moisture, the esthetician applied a hydrating cream. Finally, Chicago Facial provided the client with a kit of retinol creme complex and hydrating creme for five days of additional treatment.
Concerns Treated:
Chicago Facial’s estheticians developed a comprehensive treatment plan to lift and re-firm the skin. It began with an ion light to stimulate collagen, a Myolight for increased muscle toning and lymphatic flow, and a Biosonix LED light to treat the upper levels of the skin. Next, the estheticians pushed serums deeper to deliver nutrients for optimal firming and lifting results. Then, estheticians placed a red LED light on the client to stimulate collagen production, elasticity, and firmness.